The Insider Series was ideated by the Community Team along with the OATS (Operations and Analytics Team) in Nuffnang. As Nuffnang’s entire identity revolves around influencer marketing, the objective of this series is to educate our Micro Influencers on the nitty gritty surrounding our field of interest (and career): SOCIAL MEDIA.
Though we consider ourselves experts in the field, we also need the help of our talents to ensure they know what their online presence and insights mean to our partners and clients. As we work with Micro Influencers very often for campaigns, we are also taking this opportunity to build relationships with our influencers (by sharing the knowledge on how to monitor their performance on Instagram).
In case you were wondering, nope, this isn’t your typical seminar when the Micros just sit down, listen, and leave but it is more of an interactive session where the micros are able to address their concerns on understanding the Instagram Insights. We’ve kickstarted the first session on the 12th September 2020 with a small group of 6 attendees to trial run the session. The topic discussed was “Instagram Insights”.
Sometimes we find that our friends, partners and clients struggle to understand Instagram insights because it uses jargons that are not usually common in our daily conversations. With this Insider Series, we want to simplify that for our Micros.
We believe that it is important for Micros to learn the basics of Instagram insights because it helps them understand their target audience better and also knowing the key factors on how to influence their overall Instagram marketing strategies. These insights are important because it indicates how much value one’s content brings to the public (such as, how it brings success to brands and businesses). Besides that, it helps the Micros continuously improve their postings for future campaigns by creating content that is more engaging to improve their numbers.

The Insider Series is also a session where the Micro Influencers are able to learn the basics of Instagram analytics (such as how to monitor their reach and impressions on postings, engagement rate per post, and when is the best time to post on Instagram). These metrics play a role because it allows them (and the brand) to see which posts and stories their audience would engage with the most.
The end goal of this Insider Series is to inspire our Micro Influencers – to change the influencer marketing world with their content, while helping brands market their strategy in the best way possible.
With the power of word-of-mouth and social media, Instagram has proved to be a useful and engaging platform for brands. Hence, we are indeed confident that this Insider Series will go progressively in the future because it will definitely benefit the Micro Influencers to monitor their postings, and provide meaningful and more authentic content for future campaigns. Our next goal is to host monthly workshops with the Micro Influencers together with our Nuffnang Community Team to learn and grow together in this platform, and at the same time, creating a safe space for the Micro Influencers to freely unleash their creativity.