As a millennial who is born into the era where Google is my favourite teacher, answering all sorts of questions going on in my constantly curious mind (thank God, I’m not a cat), I do realize there is not one bit of desperation in me craving to hunt for reliable information. I have no intense hunger for reliable information because I know whenever I need it I could just… Google it. I think it’s the same with all of us, we are like a lucky kid with a well-stocked fridge.
At the back of my head, I know there is definitely an answer for whatever I am searching for. No matter what questions, there it is on Google’s search page. The availability of information for anyone with access to the internet is a situation in which the scarcity of it is non-existent.
My point is that I am rarely in search of the most credible article to tell me I am doing something right because chances are that I’m blindly believing the content I am consuming as long as it fits my purpose. Having the assurance that what I am reading is the right content, is what I usually look for. I need someone to tell me that yes, this is a good source and reliable information. That this is what I need for my research and that he would have done the same for his work too.
This is when it all starts to click and the idea of combining Vulcan Post and Nuffnang most sought-after services crystalizes.

Vulcan Post has always been known for its dominant voice among its audience of emerging entrepreneurs and smart consumers. It is known for its informative write ups, resonating strongly with those who are interested in start-ups, digital news, and urban lifestyle trends.
While I, a team member from Nuffnang, it is a no-brainer for those in the media industry, that we are a powerhouse for all things related to celebrities and influencers engagement.
By combining the core offerings of these 2 companies, I truly believe that we would be able to give these trustworthy articles the social validation millennials have always wanted to hear. The equivalent of Instagram’s blue tick of approval that verifies the legitimacy of anyone and anything like a proud marine badge.
As marketers and advertisers, we would be able to help our peers to scratch the itch they have for information pieces to be endorsed by the online personalities they have confidence in. A food website may claim that the recipe they have for an easy and delicious chocolate cake is the best for you. But would you believe it 100% until you check out its ratings and reviews? Or until your girlfriends try it out too?
Content, especially informative write ups, is a mentor to us. But by putting a face to it and making it interactive with social media and its elements, we are turning it into a trusted close friend. You would definitely be more open to share your ups and downs with your bestie than your mentor, right? Heh.
If you are interested in including this collaborative package between Vulcan Post and Nuffnang as part of your campaign, just hit me up at [email protected] to know more ‘bout it!